
AsianHHM’s Account Based Marketing

Target Specific High-Value Accounts


Flip your B2B Sales & Marketing Funnel on its Head, Account Based Marketing (ABM) enables you to reach specific, ideal-fit companies that align with your organization's ideal customer profile (ICP). By leveraging this approach, you can focus your advertising efforts on precisely targeting the companies that are most likely to be a good fit for your products or services.

AsianHHM team has the privilege to design & execute custom ABM campaigns to some of the Fortune 500 companies

AsianHHM offers account-based marketing (ABM) approach, providing an alternative to conventional B2B strategies. In ABM we help our clients concentrate their sales and marketing efforts on carefully selected target accounts. With our experience in utilizing personalized campaigns tailored to each account, ABM ensures a meaningful and resonating message. This specialized strategy proves to be a highly advantageous asset for our healthcare clients, as it fosters robust customer relationships with enhanced customer retention.

AsianHHM’s Account Based Marketing Functional Strategy

AsianHHM will help design, plan and promote your content through tried and tested Pro-ABM channels for enhanced engagements, higher ROI. Our process entails -

Research & Discovery:We work along with our clients in researching and discovering high-potential target accounts that align with our client's business goals and objectives. This is our hybrid model, but our team is experienced to handle accounts that are given by the clients.

Fishing & Defining: Our research team and sometimes our clients assists us in freezing the list of the key stakeholders and decision-makers within discovered accounts. Our research team helps in understanding the organizational structure, roles, and responsibilities of the individuals that we propose to target to our clients.

Develop:Progressing ahead in this stage of our ABM program – Highly relevant content and target campaigns that resonate with the target accounts are designed & developed. The content would address the specific needs, pain points, and challenges of the account. This fosters strong connection and assumes engagement.

Deliver:At this level of our program we deliver the content through the most appropriate channels. This includes email marketing, personalized landing pages, social media, direct mail, or other methods that suit the preferences of the target accounts.

Determine:Finally, we measure and determine the success of our ABM efforts. Key performance indicators (KPIs) that are prefixed and agreed upon with our clients are used to evaluate the impact of the program on lead generation, sales pipeline growth, revenue growth, and retention.

AsianHHM’s ABM programs are unique in the sense that we work together with our clients as partners and strive for guaranteed ROI on their marketing spend.

Market Smarter, Accelerate Sales Cycle & Win over High Value Clients.


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